Goodman AC (Air Conditioner) Unit Reviews
Do not take this guide as a marketing tool by the company! It has been designed for your help, just for answering all the questions a person has before making the decision for installing an air conditioner. We can guarantee you that after going through this guide, you will rush to the store for having Goodman Air Conditioner for your home. You have a query with you… wait!! This guide is going to answer as if it has read your mind.
Why should a customer consider the option of buying Goodman Air Conditioner?
- Price and value:
Goodman aims at creating products with reasonable prices and good value, which means that the product should be affordable for the customers but for creating this affordability, the quality of the product should not be compromised. In terms of the value of the appliance, the product should be equal for any customer regardless of his purchasing power. For example, if a person is a millionaire, which means he can afford a relatively expensive product, but he should also consider the option of buying Goodman just because of the value that Goodman creates.
- Energy-efficient:
For maintaining this aim, Goodman creates economy-priced-energy-efficient products. Some products are cheap in buying, which attracts the customers in the market where they find a product with low tagged price amongst all, but those might not be energy-efficient or might have considerable overhead costs. Goodman keeps this in mind and creates energy-efficient products, which means that installation and running; both processes are economical for the customer.
- Stress-free overheads:
Goodman creates an attractive and distinctive feature for the customers when they tend to buy an air conditioner. Customers think about what is going to happen if any part of the product wears out after five years, i.e., the usual warranty period. They calculate the estimated costs of replacement and maintenance for getting the financial value that the product is creating. Here Goodman comes with a stress-free factor by providing one of the best warranties a company can provide.
- Manufacturing:
Goodman has established its manufacturing unit in just outside Houston, Texas. This establishment itself is evidence of the quality of the product as usually none of the companies producing HVAC systems do that due to the manufacturing cost that incurs within the U.S.A. Technology and workers in the U.S.A. are unbeatable in high-quality manufacturing products.

Why second thought comes when considering Goodman air conditioner? ( ☹)
- SEER Rating:
Despite being high in quality, Goodman has only able to get the highest SEER rating of 18, which is available for many other brands. This makes Goodman not a very good man.
- Registration for the warranty:
Goodman only entertains for its distinct warranties if the registration of units and parts along with serial numbers has been made at the time of installation of the appliance. This quick registration, if missed, fails to honor warranty by the company for its customers.
- History of faults:
When purchasing any electronic appliance, a customer must take into account reviews and history of the brand and its products. Goodman has not shown great performance in Consumer Reports Survey. The survey reported that 22% of Goodman air conditioners were due for repairs within the first five years of purchase, which is a significant ratio. This has labeled a question mark on the quality of Goodman air conditioners since then.
- Untrained Installers:
Goodman sells its air conditioners for reselling purpose to many of the HVAC installers who further sells them and installs them for customers. Since quality control check is not maintained for those HVAC installers, they might not be factory-trained for the purpose and results in a novice installer installing an air conditioner. This results in degrading Goodman’s name.
A Brief View:
Altogether, Goodman has created the right brand name, has captured a good market share, and customers have reported their satisfaction with the quality and price of the air conditioners along with their warranties. Still, room for improvement exists in terms of the factors that are mentioned above, which give customers a second thought before making a purchase decision.
Model | SEER | Sound | Compressor | Energy-star rated | Tier |
GSXC18 | Up to 18 | 71-db | Two-staged | Yes | Premium |
GSXC16 | Up to 16 | 71-db | Two-staged | Yes | Premium |
GSX16 | Up to 16 | 72-db | Single-staged | Yes | Mid |
GSX14 | Up to 15 | 72-db | Single-staged | No | Mid |
GSX13 | Up to 14 | 73-db | Single-staged | No | Low |
Name of the model by Goodman shows that it’s a split system (S), a condenser (X), an Integrated Communicating Comfort bridge (C) and a SEER of 18 (18).
Goodman provides a range of energy-efficient air conditioners, and GSXC18 is one of those. This pocket-friendly product is excellent for cooling in homes and gives the user control over the level of cooling. This is also reviewed as a long-time running product, which means that repairs are reported to be low for GSXC18.
This model is classified as a premium range product of Goodman, which has attained SEER of up to 18. This rating shows that the model is good enough for the goals of chilling the house in hot summers.
This model of Goodman air conditioners is from its premium series, which aims at providing energy-efficient product and that too non-heavy on the pocket. Energy-star certified product is the best choice for customers to buy with fantastic cooling services.
Online registration for availing warranty is necessary within 60 days of purchase. If this is made, this product offers a ten-year warranty.
GSX16 is mid-range air conditioner from Goodman air conditioner series. Mid-range aims to provide quality cooling with a comfortable environment as they create a sound for about 72 decibels only. They have a SEER rating of up to 16.
An essential feature of this unit is that it is made up of coil constructed of copper and aluminum. This single-stage compressor can be protected from moisture due to its construction. It also features a factory-installed filter driver and is backed by ten years of warranty which is only available if the registration of unit and parts of the air conditioner is made on specified time.
A review conducted in 2017 for GSX16 showed the results that 7/11 customers were very satisfied with the product while 3/11 were on the other extreme. Satisfied customers have reported that the decrease in electricity bills have been observed which justifies the feature of product being energy-efficient.
This model also belongs to mid-range air conditioners by Goodman. It has a SEER rating of up to 15 and provides high-quality cooling and is available for a target audience who can afford. It is yet another energy-efficient product guaranteeing that savings will be generated after the use when no repairs will be seen.
A review conducted in 2018 reported that 3.10 customers were very satisfied with the product while 5/10.
For the low-range air conditioners category, GSX13 is light on a pocket product that is available for every type of consumer as it is cheap. It is an energy-efficient single stage compressor product that keeps the house cool in hot summers in a comfortable environment with a SEER performance of up to 14.
Its model ranges from 1.5 tons to 5 tons producing B.T.U.s within 18000-60000 range. The silent and quiet air conditioner has reported providing cooling with comfort as quiet condenser fan system has been featured along with louvered sound-control top with reduces operating noises.
Reviews from a survey conducted in April 2019 have reported the results that include 21/38 customers being very satisfied with the product while 14/38 being on the other extreme.
How does Goodman stand amongst all?
When a customer goes into the market, he has the right to evaluate all the available options before making a purchase decision. Goodman has a tough competition with brands such as Lennox, Bryant, Amana, and American Standard.
They all play in the same market and give the customer a tough time for deciding which brand to go for and which brand to drop. Comparison of the following features might prove to be helpful for customers.
The SEER rating is an attractive force for customers when it is time to install an air conditioner in their homes. This seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) defines how well the efficiency of the product in terms of energy-saving is. For Goodman, the highest SEER rating has been seen till 18 for its most efficient model. While brands such as Lennox are providing SEER as high as 26. Amana, Bryant and American standard, all have SEER ratings above 20 for their top models. This gives Goodman a weak point when a person is considering brand worthiness.
- Distinct Features:
Top models of every brand are made with some different features that make them outstanding. For people who are brand conscious or who are paying for top models, look at those unique and distinct features in the product.
Goodman has not created any such outstanding, distinct feature in its top model such as Wi-Fi, remote controllability, AccuComfort, etc. which are present in all other brands. Some have Wi-Fi, so the other has remote controllability. Lennox and Amana have Alexa and Nexia, respectively. People who are obsessed with brands are ready to pay additional costs for top models because of these features, but unfortunately, Goodman does not have any driving force in this regard.
- Coils:
Goodman’s high-end model is made up of aluminum coils, just like other brands. But still brand like Bryant produces all their products with aluminum coils which gives them an edge over others.
- Warranties of compressor:
Goodman has got a good name for the warranties it gives for compressors. Where all brands give warranties in range of 5-20 years, Goodman maintains its position by providing lifetime compressor warranty which assures the customer that the product being bought is not only backed by the financial advantage of replacements when required but also ensures that company would not have given such an immense warranty for a low-quality product.
- Warranties of parts:
Parts of the air conditioner also incur replacement costs if not backed by warranties by the company. Goodman also outstands all other brands in warranties of components just like warranties of compressors.
Where all similar unit producing brands give warranties within the range of 5-12 years, Goodman provides lifetime warranties for parts. This is again a surety for the customer that the company is not selling a faulty product or will leave customers in between the way when the product needs replacement of any kind. To qualify for warranties for parts and compressor, customer needs to register the product within 60 days of installation; otherwise, the company will not be liable for warranty services.
Customer Reviews:
For customers, reviews by other customers who have bought the same product and have used them to keep high place when deciding for any product. The customer relies on reviews because they take other customers as people of the same boat, and therefore, their comment is significant enough that it can change the decision of customer all alone.
Though none of the brands are working with zero complaints about their product’s performance, still Goodman has several complaints reported more than other brands like Lennox and Bryant. Maintenance costs complaints are usually frequent with Goodman, which puts a question mark on the quality of the product.
- Price Range:
All other features at aside and the price is alone on the other. No matter how good the product is, if it is out of the customer’s purchasing range, none of its features will be attractive to him. In fact, he will move towards the product with a reasonable amount and will compromise on quality or some functions or features of the product because the purchasing power of the customer is most important.
In this regard, Goodman has the right brand name as it produces the cheapest product amongst all similar brands such as Lennox, Amana, Bryant, etc. Starting price of Goodman’s air conditioner is $1190, which is close enough to start price of Bryant air conditioners i.e., $1195.
Most expensive unit of Goodman air conditioner costs $1850, which is much lower than the starting price of American Standard products, which stands at $2800. This highest range is also the lowest amongst all. That is why Goodman is called an economical-energy-efficient unit producing company.
(All prices mentioned above are exclusive of installation charges)
These reported prices may fluctuate due to reasons such as the place where you live, e.g., if you live in a rural area, delivery charges may tend to increase the cost. Government rebates for energy efficiency rebates or any other promotions or deals can also change the price. With installation, Goodman’s air conditioner price range is $2200-$3500.
Features of Goodman! The Brand:
When looking for buying a Goodman product, a person must be clear about the features that Goodman air conditioner has. What makes Goodman units different from others, or what are exclusive Goodman features? The answer is below!
- Options for Compressor:
For any cooling appliance, be it a refrigerator or an air conditioner, compressors occupy a vital position in the manufacturing of unit. Because the compressor is the part that helps in changing or lowering temperature resulting in chilling of room, it must be of good quality.
Now there are two common types of compressors, one is single staged, and the other is two-staged. Single staged compressors run on high speeds, and auto turns off when the optimum temperature has been gained. This process is repeated if the temperature starts increasing. You must have felt the sound of compressor getting on and off; it does that automatically. These types of compressors result in high electric bills but are quick in the chilling room.
On the contrary, two-staged compressors do not get turned off when the temperature has reached the optimum level. Instead, they slow down and maintain room temperature. Frequent turning on and off of the compressor is not seen here, which results in low electric bills.
Goodman air conditioners produce both types of compressors in different models. Premium models have two-staged compressors that make the unit more energy-efficient while some of the mid and low stage units work on single staged compressors that are quick in chilling the room.
- Cooling of Condensers:
Condensers are located in the outer unit of the air conditioner, and they need to be cooled down when they are running. For this purpose, fans are given with the condensers.
Goodman’s some air conditioners have single-speed condenser fans that work the same as single-stage compressors, which means that they are turned on when condensers need to be cooled down and they turn off automatically when the desired temperature is achieved. Other air conditioners have two-speed capacitors that work the same as two-staged compressors which means that the condensing fan unit is slowed down instead of turning off when the desired level is achieved.
Goodman and all similar brands produce HVAC units where HVAC stands for (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning). This means that the air conditioners are not just for the purpose of chilling the rooms but also to heat them when required. Goodman’s air conditioning units also serve the same purpose.
- Noise generations:
Air conditioners produce noise, which makes the environment uncomfortable. The design of the unit can mitigate this noise by adding more rubbers that reduce the sound coming from outside. Designs of the product should be taken into consideration with regards to the noise when being manufactured.
A tolerable noise created ranges from 40 dB to 60db, but Goodman’s air conditioner has been reported to produce the sound of 40db to 70db, which makes them a bit noisy. These noise levels depend upon the models of the air conditioner. Goodman also has quietest units sold in the market.
- Technology advancement:
Goodman has invested in manufacturing unit just outside Texas, which itself is a quality-assuring factor because technology and labor used in the U.S.A. in unbeatable.
ComfortBridge Technology by Goodman is used for maximizing cooling technology of the air conditioner. This technology also works for making product energy efficient by minimizing the use of electricity spent.
Two-staged compressor by Copeland Ultratech is built for improving quality of cooling by keeping energy saved through improved humidity and temperature controls over the room.
Goodman has proved to be the best choice for the people who are looking for pocket-friendly options. With its energy efficiency and economical factor, it is a go-to option for many customers.
But since its quality has been impaired as compared to other brands of the same line, for many customers, other alternatives might seem to be more attractive.
Warranty of the air conditioner provided by Goodman is simply one of the best warranties prevailing in the market. The most lengthy warranty has made Goodman a trustworthy brand.
Lagging behind in SEER rating is a weakness of Goodman and an edge for its competitors, but Goodman has always proved to remain consistent with its strengths and provide the best for the market. Availability of economical and energy-efficient air conditioners is an inspiring and market capturing feature for Goodman. For an average customer, who wants to pay for a chilled room and stress-free environment, Goodman is for you, man!