
Propane Furnace Reviews [Models and Prices]

Are you thinking of switching your furnace to a propane furnace of your home?

Did you know? About 5% of Americans use propane to heat their homes, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). If you’re disappointed with high heating bills and want to read about possible government utility incentives, you may be interested in checking out propane furnace prices. But make sure to do your research beforehand.

What Are Propane Furnaces?

Propane furnaces basically work on the same system as other forced air furnaces except that propane is used in place of oil or natural gas to heat or electricity that uses resistance to produce heat.

Propane forced-air furnaces are model where other fuels are limited, expensive or can’t be delivered. They’re also perfect in rural areas where power breaks occur because propane furnaces don’t depend on electricity to operate their burner. Although most forced-air fans use electricity, propane burners can manage effectively and transmit heat on their own.

Why use Propane furnaces?

The choice to use a forced-air propane furnace has been pre-determined due to available heating fuel sources in many cases, the current system in your home, and to some degree, climate. 

The biggest factor of these furnaces is typically availability. If you have ever driven through a rural area you have likely seen a house with a propane tank out in the yard. Propane gas is more common in these regions because lot areas are bigger, homes are wider spread out, and they’re just isn’t an infrastructure of natural gas lines as is the case in more compactly populated areas.

There are pros and cons to all forced air furnace fuels, and each has its particular application depending mostly on local factors. Let’s have look at some of its measure Pros.

Easily available

Availability is one of the most considerable factors of propane in your local areas. There are thousands of suppliers accessible around the nation, Turning to propane also requires an investment in a storage tank, which is normally buried underground. A 500-gallon tank generally is able to fuel an average four-bedroom home for a year. That’s great!

More efficient

Nowadays, central air propane furnaces are available with annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) ratings as high as 97%, meaning these units are highly efficient at converting fuel into heat. Furthermore, to maximize efficiency and power use, most propane furnaces now use electronic ignition, reducing the need for a standing pilot light. 

This supports the thermostat to turn on the heaters only when fuel is required. These furnaces also are equipped with vent dampers, which close when the appropriate temperature is reached and only reopen when the heat is required again.

Easy Maintenance

Generally, propane systems demand very little maintenance which makes it more valuable compared to other furnaces. As with any heating unit, it is recommended to have a qualified service technician inspect the unit once a year. Homeowners also should occasionally check the unit for obstacles in the venting system to make sure it can work correctly.

It is essential to note that propane leaks are possible and, depending on where your propane is stored, could posture a fire hazard. Since propane is denser than air, in the event of a leak, the propane will settle to the lowest level of an enclosed area, where it could mix with pilot light and causes a huge explosion.So don’t forget to precaution your self from these hazards

Propane is Environmentally Friendly & Safe

Propane is a fuel source that does not generate high carbon emissions.  While comparing other heating options, propane not only has lower emissions, but it is a more efficient heating source with lower heating costs also.

Propane is made from the process of purifying crude oil and natural gas.  Since it is a light, simple hydrocarbon, it is one of the cleanest burnings of trace fuels.  And additionally, it is also non-toxic, which means that it is not harmful to soil or water and will not compromise the environment.

With its huge advantages, it also contains some disadvantages. Let’s discuss some of the things about propane furnace you have to precaution yourself and family also.

It Produces lesser BTUs Per Gallon Than Oil

When you estimate how hot propane burns beside other fuels, it’s a little unexpected. Propane doesn’t provide as much heat as compared to oil. That means that although the cost of propane might beat oil, you’re going to have to use more propane then oil to get the same comfortable indoor temperature. 

At first sight, it might seem like propane has the potential to save a considerable amount of money. But some times it requires equal or some times more budget to use propane.

 High Upfront Costs to Switch

It can be prohibitively costly to convert another type of heating system to propane. It’s not a DIY project at all. You need to be trained installation and there is no guarantee that remodeling a system to perform the same or better with a new fuel source will result in significant savings.

So, it is better to get a new Propane fuel system than converting to it.

You May Have to Pay a Rental Fee

The biggest cons of propane heating systems are keeping up with tank maintenance – or not. If you own the tank, you’re responsible for regular inspections, and you have to adjust the problem if there’s leaks or corrosion. You might even ultimately have to replace the tank.

If the energy company owns your propane system’s tank, that means you’re just renting it. On one hand, they’re on the hook for any certain tank maintenance.and also you probably have to pay a monthly rental fee. Which is another addition to your budget that’s certainly a disadvantage, if you’re analyzing the pros and cons of home heating based on costs only but if you are comparing it with all features you might be neglect this disadvantage.

Comparing propane with other furnaces…

Propane gas furnaces are more efficient as compared to oil furnaces. Oil furnaces typically produce heat at about 60% efficiency, meaning that for every dollar you spend on heating oil, you’ll only get about 60 cents worth of heat. which I guess not a good option…

On the other hand, Propane gas furnaces, are much more efficient, with ratings typically 90% or above. Machines and furnaces that run on propane also have a lengthier life span, making them a more efficient, long-term option.

In comparison to electrical-powered heating systems with propane-powered heaters are much better equipped to provide higher, more constant temperatures. They also tend to be more energy-efficient than electrical heat pumps in real-world situations, with efficiency ratings between 70 and 96 percent.

So overall, the perks of propane furnaces are meaningful. Propane is a reliable, safe and affordable home heating fuel. Propane is a truly green fossil fuel that leaves a minimum environmental footprint. It has minimum carbon dioxide discharge and is not poisoning if a leak happens and propane leaves. Propane won’t dry into the ground like oil. It’s also non-toxic and merely disappears into the atmosphere.  

As I have told you Propane furnaces warm innumerable people across America and will continue to do so for years to come. And not in America but all around the world peoples are using a propane-powered heating system for their homes and getting benefits from it.

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